Sunday, November 23, 2008

Terrorism Sunday Night

Yeah so its officially Monday its 2:17am for me, pretty sure anyone reading this is sleeping

I spent about 45 minutes in Webster Hall it was a 19+ event so I kinda figured id see people like this idiot

got a drink hopped on stage

got all the hot gossip

hopped ing a cab. can anyone guess where this is if u win ill give you some cake...

made it to claudia's funraiser around 1:30 or so

some people were already assed out

that is if they where not hawking the belly dancer

Mrs fFratelli was there beating away at the drums

these guys were cops if you couldnt tell, they bugged me out had to leave break out and put my backpack in the mansion but than everyone was fucking with them and it was kinda fun

than headed out to a few differnt houses...

forget her name cool chick tho

geek of the week!

terrorist of the week

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